Due to the social media, these young women in this video feel insecure about their personal image. They feel that they're not good enough, they don't look good enough, "they're too fat." The social media is no help either, by the women on their commercial ads, they make the men judge too cruelly of the physical appearance of the woman. The "good girl" never gets the guy, and is therefore not popular enough. Yet the girl who sleeps with a guy, is considered "slutty" and is publicly ridiculed. Everyone is victim to a commercial one way or another, whether you realize it or not.
My point is people need to realize that you could look good without buying all these big brand products. It's the social media that gives you the thought of "In order to look good, I should buy this product." Material things may be fun to purchase, but it shouldn't play an important role, or that big of an influence in your life.
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