The 2014 movie Interstellar by Christopher Nolan, has the characteristics of Romanticism. This work reflects the ideologies of Romanticism. It has many characteristics of Romanticism, including strong emotion, the power of imagination, freedom from tradition/social conventions, importance/inspiration of nature, and the appreciation of common, everyday life and language. The movie has love, sadness, happiness, anger, and strong emotions throughout it.
Throughout the movie it shows many characteristics of Romanticism. For example it showed strong emotions. In the movie the main character has to leave his family for basically their whole life. This was a very emotional time in the movie. His wife died and he is a single parent. He was very attached to his children and dad. When he had to leave, his daughter was very angry and sad. She was so angry, she didn't even say goodbye to her father and he left for over 20 years. Since he was going into space to save the planet he had to leave for so long. Another characteristic is the power of imagination. In the movie the main character goes to space, through worm holes, and milk ways. Today our society knows little to nothing about worm holes, or space in general. So you definitely need to use your imagination throughout this movie. The director and the scene writers used a lot of imagination to make this movie. Another characteristic is importance and inspiration of nature. The whole movie is about space so it has a lot of involvement in nature. You feel connected with space practically through this whole movie.
In conclusion the movie Interstellar by Christopher Nolan shows all the characteristics of Romanticism.
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