Friday, September 2, 2016

Profound ideologies in ¨The Revenant¨

The Revenant, is the story of a father and son who set out on a dangerous expedition with a group of men to explore America in 1823. This story is a false story because it supports unrealistic, but desired ideologies. The storyline portrays men as being unstoppable, if provoked, and truly filled with an unrealistic rage. Most men could not survive ridiculous bear wounds, as well as many other gruesome injuries, but not Leonardo Di´Caprio(the main character/father). The idea that men must do the dangerous exploration as well as other vigorous tasks is also shown throughout, as women play a miniscule role in the film. This relates to the American ideology that men must do the hard labor and be strong. Finally the ¨Justice will always prevail¨ concept is clear throughout, as the father goes through enormous tasks and injuries, yet still gets revenge in the end. This also connects to Tim O´Brien´s words, as no true story will leave you uplifted in the end, and will never be moral. Overall The Revenant was not a true story.

1 comment:

  1. I agree men are always shown as tough and have to do bold things in order to fit in. They always show men doing courageous thing, but never show a man making dinner.
