Thursday, October 2, 2014

Answers Change With Age

O'Brien says,

Someday, I hope, she'll ask again. But here I want to pretend she's a grown up. I want to tell her exactly what happen, or what I remember happening and then I want to say to her as a little girl she was absolutely right. This is why I kept writing war stories.(125)

This is a section from The Things They Carried, where Tim O'Brien's nine year old daughter asked him if he had ever killed someone. earlier in the page, Tim tells his daughter "Of course not" but later on, in the quote O'Brien expresses his true feelings and how he wishes the situation could of went. This impacted me because it forced me to form the thought that Answers change with Age. At the point and time, O'Briens daughter is very young, and naive, O'Brien understood that she may not understand the truth but he hopes she'll ask again one day when shes older and ready for the truth.

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