He would've talked about this, and how he grabbed Kiowa by the boot and tried to pull him out. He pulled hard but Kiowa was gone, and then he suddenly felt himself going too. The shit was in his nose and eyes. There were flares and mortar rounds, and the stink everywhere- it was inside him, in his lungs- and he could no longer tolerate it.(143)
O'Brien states that war was unpredictable and could get serious at any time and to be in the middle of war feels like hell. Many people he knew died and most of the troops there often didn't take war serious and played around a lot. He also goes into explain how war can change anyone and most likely everyone, when they try to save Kiowa from the field that the man who tried to save him realized Kiowa was gone and could only sit there with shit on his hands in the rain alone and still. War also changes people because they constantly think about the trauma they've been through and can cause disorders like PT SD. Our "good soldier" opinion can be false because many base a soldier on how many medals he has and O'Brien claims that many of the soldiers receive medals but sometimes for doing nothing or for something little like getting a minor injury and receiving a purple heart. War is like life because troops learn new things like they'd learn everyday in a normal life, but in war they learn survival skills and even skills to overcome many things like the death of a soldier.
I believe that many of your sentences can be re worded for grammatical reasons. But overall it was a good blog post.