Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Own

Beyoncé has had her long career for R&B and pop music artist and one of my favorites and that i think that is very poetic is ¨Listen¨ by Beyoncé B´Day. Listen .

The idea of ¨Listen¨ is when you put your trust into someone and you come to realize that they didn't have your best interest at heart. This song is from the movie Dreamgirls when she's in the studio recording for Jamie Foxx , and she finds out everything he's done to break the group up only caring about himself just so he can get to the top.

The poetic language used throughout the song is an extended metaphor. She opens a verse with the lines:

The time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own all 'cause you won't

On the outside the it just seems like she just wants to be free but it's more than that she's been take advantage of and played with.She is describing how all her feelings and dreams has been pushed aside. They didn't matter to him..¨Listen¨

In almost every stanza Beyoncé states:

You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you're made of me…..
Someone I thought had died so long ago

She is saying basically i am my own person and have a mind of my own and you don't get to control me anymore. ¨Someone I thought had died so long ago¨ is saying that was the past that was the old me.She old me left and came back and now she understand who she is .

In one of the beginning and end lines, Beyoncé says:

A melody I start but can't complete
A melody I start but I will complete

She's standing up for herself and that she's leaving him rather he likes it or not. Something was holding her back and trying to change her and she just wants to break free. And she just learns how to accept herself. She is who she is.And she realizes that no one can help you except yourself.

So over 3 minutes and 39 seconds you receive nothing but a powerful message on how to move on and just to listen to your heart,you'll find the correct path.

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