Friday, October 9, 2015

Sweatshops AKA Horrorshops

¨A "sweatshop" is defined by the US Department of Labor as a factory that violates 2 or more labor laws.¨ (Do Something) Why does the US needs to immediately address the issue and what should it do to solve the issue? The US needs to immediately address the issue of sweatshops being run by American Corporations in other less developed countries due the to unsafe working conditions this people have to suffer through. And the ludicrous amount of pay theyŕe receiving. DoSomething. org talks about the many facts of Sweatshop laborers. Sourcing their information from reliable resources like The International Labor association. You should believe this source to be credible due to the fact that they are a non profit organization, ei; ¨Do Something is a non-profit organization with the goal of motivating young people to take action around social changes through national campaigns and grants for projects that make an impact. “ (Google Home Page)
While Wanda Embar from Vegan Peace talks about how workers all need to be informed and educated on their rights, including labor laws and how they should be treated and how to avoid being mistreated. “Workers need to be able to freely associate and advocate for rights and improvements to their working conditions” says Embar. Dosomething also talks about how ¨Sweatshops often have poor working conditions, unfair wages, unreasonable hours, child labor, and a lack of benefits for workers.¨ and how ¨In developing countries, an estimated 168 million children ages 5 to 14 are forced to work. America has stronger labor laws than most undeveloped countries, but it is not free of sweatshop conditions. Many labor violations slip under the radar of the US Department of Labor.¨ but basically overall Sweatshops are hurting so many people and America really needs to start to help stop this problem by zoning in on American companies that support sweatshops by moving their productions over sea. America needs to move their production back to the US or follow our US labor laws to assure the safety of their workers.

Works Cited:
Embar, Wanda. "Sweatshops and Child Labor." Sweatshops and Child Labor. Wanda Embar, 2015. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. <>.

"11 Facts About Sweatshops.", n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. <>.

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