Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Racism of Power Rangers

If you haven't realized by now many of the shows we watch today are racist. One clear example of this is the power rangers. Its also pretty obvious. The yellow ranger is an Asian, which is racist because Asians are known as yellow faces.  The black ranger is actually “black” and they made him have lots of rhythm and he was known for dancing a lot. The pink ranger was a perfect pretty white girl, a very common stereotype. Then there is the most racist of them all, The white ranger. I say this because the white ranger was actually “white”, and he had the most skills and powers. This basically made him the best power ranger. This is proving the point that society is really obsessed with race and stereotypes. Until now I wouldn't have even payed attention to it but after research it became really obvious to me. This is bad, especially since it is a children's show, so it seems like the idea of race starts off really young, and continues throughout life.

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