Thursday, October 8, 2015

What should we do about " The rise of ISIS" ?

The U.S needs to immediately address the rise of ISIS. ISIS is an Islamist militant group that has took over a large part of land stretching from northern Syria to central Iraq. The group began in 2004 as al Qaeda in Iraq, before renaming it as ISIS two years later. ISIS is  more brutal and more effective at controlling territory it took over than al Qaeda. " ISIS is putting governing structures in place to rule the territories the group conquers once the dust settles on the battlefield. From the cabinet and the governors to the financial and legislative bodies,ISIS' bureaucratic hierarchy looks a lot like those of some of the Western countries whose values it rejects -- if you take away the democracy and add in a council to consider who should be beheaded "( The only way to resolve this issue is that the president needs to identifiy the threat that America is facing radical Islam but instead President Obama has decided to " make peace" with them. Making peace with them will only last so long and ISIS is still killing and torturing any one who won't join them in the middle east, making peace with them will only be good for OUR country untill they stab us in the back, but what are we doing about the rest of the people in the world, America is being selfish and only making sure were good and protected but there's other people in this world that are facing ISIS and they're not making it out alive. There's not much that we can do about other countries but we should at least try because every person in this world is an equal.

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