Wednesday, October 7, 2015

We're All Gonna Die

Even if you get inspired by the article to help the environment, its already too late. Even if tomorrow we stop using oil and get cars that plug into our walls, its still too late. The damage is done there is no turning back. America could have helped the environment and influence the rest of the world to do so, which is what we should do. But there isn't a lot of appeal behind it, human life is short and we use it to make the big bucks. There isn't a lot of profit in green energy, so don't expect a lot of stigma. Just do your part as much as you want to I suppose, chill on that carbon foot print. Spread the word, give a helping hand for a better tomorrow.

"As a scientist it's very frustrating to hear politicians basically saying, 'This isn't true,' or, 'They're just making it up to get government money,'" Hayhoe says. "A thermometer is not Democrat or Republican. What observations are telling us is not political – it is what it is."

"Sen. Inhofe has pledged to use every lever of his power to block President Obama’s climate agenda."

It's obvious little to no action will be taken by the government, its simply up to the citizens to step up and help. But don't give someone a peanut and expect them to have a farm the next day, that's where I again argue that its already too late.

1 comment:

  1. Nice provocative post, but do you suppose you could add some sources to prove that there's really some substantial damage being done to the environment and the earth?
